What is an interiors co-creation workshop and how will it help me?


What is an interiors workshop?

Interiors workshops allow a client to team up with an Interior Decorator in a workshop forum. You produce your own interiors mood board, interiors colour scheme and materials board in one morning or afternoon. Rather than spending hours pouring over Pinterest every day or night. Agonising over the right decision for your interiors, you can direct your energies in one session and save hours. The best part is, you have guidance along the way, so you won't be taking any risks. The end result? You will be the envy of your friends and they will want to know who your decorator is! :)

Why workshops?

I have spent my entire career in creative agencies, working with clients and developing solutions to their problems.  

The projects that were led by innovation teams were, by far, the most exciting to me. This is where my love for a workshop was born.

Marketeers, sales team members and consumer experts would team up with agency strategists and designers to co-create at least a dozen new product development ideas.

The power of the cross functional team, a fusion of the client's knowledge paired with a creative, meant that powerful ideas were produced. All in an afternoon's work. 

What are the activities?

Creative warm up activities
Interior mood deep dive 
Create your own interiors mood board and interior colour scheme
Select your materials to bring the mood board to life 
Tips and tricks along the way to learn how to style like a pro

What do I leave with? 

A clear sense of your interior road map. Whether you are renovating or decorating, this will keep you in check and help to take the anxiety of making those important design decisions along the way. 

A mood board, a clear vision of your own personal interiors style and a materials board (photo) showing you how it will all come to life. Within 2 weeks of attending the workshop you will receive your physical interiors material board. 

Access to me beyond the workshop.
I want to keep the conversation going after you've left and I want to see the end result! So if you have any questions or design decisions along the way, please email me and I will always reply within a few days. 

Step-by-step creative workshops

My approach to interiors:

- puts you at the center of your own interior design
- empowers you to design your own space
- uses pre-prepared materials to create your personal style
- uses a step by step approach, with the right guidance
- allows true co-creation
To help you create the space of your dreams.



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