How many times have you viewed the years latest interior trends and thought, I like that look, but will it date in years to come? Will I change my taste and decide I actually like something completely different now?
I hear this all the time from people. There's one thing that i have learnt talking to countless people about their renovation. No one applies just one style to their home.
So it makes sense to mix up the interiors styles and build something that conveys the mood and personality of your family for your home.
Step 1 - Pinterest is a great place to start
If you haven't already created a board, Pinterest is a great resource to use whilst planning a renovation for the simple reason that it aggregates all of your images. You can make multiple boards and define each one by room.
Step 2 - Pick 2 - 3 images per room
Once you have spent time collating all of your images, I want you to pick 2-3 images per room. Look carefully at all of the images and select ones that will give you a sense of the materials for the fixtures and fittings that you will select for that space. If you have a detail image, such as a benchtop profile or door furniture, or a balustrade that you love, include it. Thinking about the details now will help inform your brief for the builder or stone mason or joiner.
Step 3 - Define your accent colours
You might include a few soft furnishings if this helps you define your colour scheme. But consider how else you might add accent colours. Perhaps through light fixtures / pendants, cabinetry or plant pots. (More on developing a colour scheme and colour confidence in another blog - 6 Top Tips to Colour Confidence)
Step 4 - Consider how cohesive everything is
Once i have narrowed down the selections, I like to print all the images out and put them all on one board together. This helps you focus and see how cohesive the scheme is.
If you have introduced a very dominant feature in one room or space, consider how that might carry through the rest of the house. For example, if you decide on an entire wall of black cabinetry in the kitchen, how will you introduce pops of black into other spaces? Perhaps you might use a black shower frame and a black framed mirror in the bathroom, then introduce a black balustrade as you walk upstairs. Think about how you will carry this colour through the entire home scheme. Do this by imagining you are walking through the home and thinking about all the little details. You should feel a sense of intention and balance and connection and it will all work together.
Step 5 - Finalising the colour scheme
Once your mood board is complete, you should have between 5-7 colours that make up your scheme. This will usually consist of:
- flooring colour (30% of your scheme);
- cabinetry colour (even if it's white it will become part of your scheme)
- tapwear or door furniture colour
- accent colours (from lighting or cabinetry or feature tiles)
- any other wooden detailing colour
- large artworks that will be dominant in one space that you will pick up an accent colour from
- other colours of furniture that you plan to keep (this is how you ensure everything will fit nicely in your new scheme)
Make sure all of these colours feature throughout most spaces in the home (whether it be a fixture or some decor). You can dial up or dial up or dial down the colours, but it will help to feel that sense of flow once everything is complete.
So there you have it, you have uncovered your personal interiors style and hopefully have a really clear vision for the renovation.
If this all sounds great, but a little too time consuming, and you just need to fast track this, I can totally help you. Click here to book yourself in for a Reno Roadmap session and we will nail the mood board and materials boards over 2 sessions in a matter of hours.
Not convinced? Let's just have a chat about what you need to do. Book in for a free, no obligation, initial interiors consultation here
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